onsdag den 12. januar 2011

Dont be afraid to wear colors!

Last night I watched a pretty interesting progam in television.

It showed how 70% of the worlds populatin are wearing black clothes.And it was not beause they all aregothic. Not it showed how most women are wearing black either because they have got mislead by fashion-tips that says that black makes one more slim, or it is because they have a lack of confidence and self esteem.

It made me think a little, and realise that I am one of theese women, though trying to get out of it. Also many of my friends are 'hiding' in the black clothes. But we have to get out of it! Cause the fashion-tips that tells that 'Black makes you look more slim', is mostly a lie.
Yes black can makes you look slim, but you have to wear other colors with it, otherwise your body will 'drown' in the black clothes and you will look like a bag of potatoes.

Just a simple red shirt mixed together with a black pair of jeans, can make most women look more beautiful and sexy.

If you think that you need inspiration to which colors or which kind of clothes to wear, I can highly recommend you to look at pictures from the Japanese street fashion, or just fashin in generel. A lot of them wears a lot of colors, which makes people happier and feel better. It even attracs tourists.

I am not saying that you should throw all of your black clothes away and immediatley begin to wear flowery and frilly clothes, or that you should begin to wear clothes as in the Japanese street fashion. Cause that is not what I mean.

I mean that a simple google after 'harajuku' can give a lot of inspiration. Or if you just little by little begins to wear colors. It doesnt have to be the most bright pink color you can find, but just a color you feel like you want to try out but havent felt like buying yet because you are afraid of the result.
That can help alot.

                                  Dont be afraid to wear colors!!

1 kommentarer:

Thomas Erfurt sagde ...

This blog entry needs, MORE JAPANEEEEES! I tell you,
-Love Thomas

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